Brother TZeFX611 Cinta Laminada Flexible Original de Etiquetas - Texto Noir sobre fondo Jaune - Ancho 6mm x 8 metros
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Brother TZeFX611 Cinta Laminada Flexible Original de Etiquetas - Texto Noir sobre fondo Jaune - Ancho 6mm x 8 metros

Brother TZe-FX611 - Black Text on Yellow Background - Width 6 mm x 8 meters

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Brother TZeFX611 (TZ-FX611) cinta laminada flexible original para imprimir etiquetas con una rotuladora electrónica. Utilizable en las rotuladoras electrónicas que muestran el logotipo TZ y TZe. Diseñada para identificar y etiquetar cables u otros objetos cilíndricos de pequeño diámetro, las etiquetas flexibles pueden aplicarse de dos formas: -Colocando el cable en el centro de la etiqueta y pegando las dos mitades una sobre otra creando una etiqueta en forma de bandera. -Colocando la etiqueta sobre el cable y cubriéndolo alrededor. Las cintas laminadas están diseñadas para durar, incluso bajo condiciones extremas y son capaces de aguantar temperaturas extremas, luz solar, agua, sustancias químicas o la abrasión. Concentración de bisfenol A inferior al 0,02% en peso (en cumplimiento con la normativa vigente). Características: -Texto Black sobre fondo Yellow. -Ancho de 6 mm. -Longitud de 8 metros. Adecuado para uso en las siguientes impresoras: Brother P-touch 200 Brother P-touch 1000 Brother P-touch 1000BTS Brother P-touch 1005 Brother P-touch 1005BTS Brother P-touch 1005F Brother P-touch 1005FB Brother P-touch 1010 Brother P-touch 1010B Brother P-touch 1010L Brother P-touch 1010NB Brother P-touch 1010R1 Brother P-touch 1080 Brother P-touch 1080BTS Brother P-touch 1080SBTS Brother P-touch 1090 Brother P-touch 1090BK Brother P-touch 1100SB Brother P-touch 1100SBVP Brother P-touch 1100ST Brother P-touch 1130 Brother P-touch 1150 Brother P-touch 1150DX Brother P-touch 1160 Brother P-touch 1170 Brother P-touch 1170S Brother P-touch 1180 Brother P-touch 1180HK Brother P-touch 1190 Brother P-touch 11Q Brother P-touch 1200 Brother P-touch 1230PC Brother P-touch 1250 Brother P-touch 1250CC Brother P-touch 1250CCVP Brother P-touch 1250J Brother P-touch 1250LB Brother P-touch 1250S Brother P-touch 1250VP Brother P-touch 1250VPS Brother P-touch 1260VP Brother P-touch 1280 Brother P-touch 1280BTS Brother P-touch 1280CB Brother P-touch 1280DT Brother P-touch 1280SR Brother P-touch 1280VP Brother P-touch 1280VPS Brother P-touch 1290 Brother P-touch 1290DT Brother P-touch 1290SBVP Brother P-touch 1290VP Brother P-touch 1400 Brother P-touch 1500PC Brother P-touch 1600 Brother P-touch 1650 Brother P-touch 1750 Brother P-touch 1760 Brother P-touch 1800 Plus Brother P-touch 1800E Brother P-touch 1800ECC Brother P-touch 1810 Brother P-touch 1830 Brother P-touch 1830SC Brother P-touch 1830VP Brother P-touch 1850 Brother P-touch 1850CC Brother P-touch 1850VP Brother P-touch 1880 Brother P-touch 1880CT Brother P-touch 18R Brother P-touch 18RKT Brother P-touch 18RZ Brother P-touch 1900 Brother P-touch 1910 Brother P-touch 1950 Brother P-touch 1950VP Brother P-touch 1960 Brother P-touch 2030 Brother P-touch 2030AD Brother P-touch 2030VP Brother P-touch 210 Brother P-touch 210E Brother P-touch 2100 Brother P-touch 2100VP Brother P-touch 2110 Brother P-touch 220 Brother P-touch 2300 Brother P-touch 2310 Brother P-touch 2400 Brother P-touch 2400E Brother P-touch 2400ECC Brother P-touch 2420 Brother P-touch 2420PC Brother P-touch 2430PC Brother P-touch 2450 Brother P-touch 2450CC Brother P-touch 2450DX Brother P-touch 2460 Brother P-touch 2470 Brother P-touch 2480 Brother P-touch 2500PC Brother P-touch 2600 Brother P-touch 2610 Brother P-touch 2700 Brother P-touch 2700VP Brother P-touch 2710 Brother P-touch 2730 Brother P-touch 2730VP Brother P-touch 300 Brother P-touch 310 Brother P-touch 340 Brother P-touch 350 Brother P-touch 3600 Brother P-touch 500 Brother P-touch 550A Brother P-touch 7100 Brother P-touch 7100VP Brother P-touch 7500VP Brother P-touch 7600VP Brother P-touch 900 Brother P-touch 900BTS Brother P-touch 900F Brother P-touch 9200DX Brother P-touch 9200PC Brother P-touch 9400 Brother P-touch 9500 Brother P-touch 9500PC Brother P-touch 9600 Brother P-touch 9700PC Brother P-touch 9800PCN Brother P-touch D200 Brother P-touch D200BW Brother P-touch D200BWVP Brother P-touch D200KT Brother P-touch D200VP Brother P-touch D200WNVP Brother P-touch D210 Brother P-touch D210VP Brother P-touch D400 Brother P-touch D400AD Brother P-touch D400VP Brother P-touch D450 Brother P-touch D450VP Brother P-touch D600 Brother P-touch D600VP Brother P-touch D800W Brother P-touch E100 Brother P-touch E100VP Brother P-touch E110 Brother P-touch E110VP Brother P-touch E300 Brother P-touch E300VP Brother P-touch E500 Brother P-touch E500VP Brother P-touch E550W Brother P-touch E550WS Brother P-touch E550WSP Brother P-touch E550WVP Brother P-touch E800W Brother P-touch GL-100 Brother P-touch GL-200 Brother P-touch GL-200VP Brother P-touch H100 Brother P-touch H100LB Brother P-touch H100R Brother P-touch H101 Brother P-touch H101TB Brother P-touch H105 Brother P-touch H105P Brother P-touch H105WB Brother P-touch H107B Brother P-touch H108G Brother P-touch H110 Brother P-touch H110LB Brother P-touch H200 Brother P-touch H300 Brother P-touch H300LI Brother P-touch H500 Brother P-touch H500LI Brother P-touch H75 Brother P-touch H75S Brother P-touch P300 Brother P-touch P300BT Cube Brother P-touch P700 Brother P-touch P710BT Cube Brother P-touch P750TDI Brother P-touch P750W Brother P-touch P750WSP Brother P-touch P750WVP Brother P-touch P900 Brother P-touch P900W Brother P-touch P950NW Brother P-touch RL-700S Brother P-touch 1300 Brother P-touch 1700 Brother P-touch 170K Brother P-touch 2200 Brother P-touch 2210 Brother P-touch 2300 Brother P-touch 2310 Brother P-touch 2410 Brother P-touch 3000 Brother P-touch 320 Brother P-touch 330 Brother P-touch 520 Brother P-touch 530 Brother P-touch 540 Brother P-touch 540C Brother P-touch 580C Brother PT 200 Brother PT 1000 Brother PT 1000BTS Brother PT 1005 Brother PT 1005BTS Brother PT 1005F Brother PT 1005FB Brother PT 1010 Brother PT 1010B Brother PT 1010L Brother PT 1010NB Brother PT 1010R1 Brother PT 1080 Brother PT 1080BTS Brother PT 1080SBTS Brother PT 1090 Brother PT 1090BK Brother PT 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PT 1950 Brother PT 1950VP Brother PT 1960 Brother PT 2030 Brother PT 2030AD Brother PT 2030VP Brother PT 210 Brother PT 210E Brother PT 2100 Brother PT 2100VP Brother PT 2110 Brother PT 220 Brother PT 2300 Brother PT 2310 Brother PT 2400 Brother PT 2400E Brother PT 2400ECC Brother PT 2420 Brother PT 2420PC Brother PT 2430PC Brother PT 2450 Brother PT 2450CC Brother PT 2450DX Brother PT 2460 Brother PT 2470 Brother PT 2480 Brother PT 2500PC Brother PT 2600 Brother PT 2610 Brother PT 2700 Brother PT 2700VP Brother PT 2710 Brother PT 2730 Brother PT 2730VP Brother PT 300 Brother PT 310 Brother PT 340 Brother PT 350 Brother PT 3600 Brother PT 500 Brother PT 550A Brother PT 7100 Brother PT 7100VP Brother PT 7500VP Brother PT 7600VP Brother PT 900 Brother PT 900BTS Brother PT 900F Brother PT 9200DX Brother PT 9200PC Brother PT 9400 Brother PT 9500 Brother PT 9500PC Brother PT 9600 Brother PT 9700PC Brother PT 9800PCN Brother PT D200 Brother PT D200BW Brother PT D200BWVP Brother PT D200KT Brother PT D200VP Brother PT D200WNVP Brother PT D210 Brother PT D210VP Brother PT D400 Brother PT D400AD Brother PT D400VP Brother PT D450 Brother PT D450VP Brother PT D600 Brother PT D600VP Brother PT D800W Brother PT E100 Brother PT E100VP Brother PT E110 Brother PT E110VP Brother PT E300 Brother PT E300VP Brother PT E500 Brother PT E500VP Brother PT E550W Brother PT E550WS Brother PT E550WSP Brother PT E550WVP Brother PT E800W Brother PT GL-100 Brother PT GL-200 Brother PT GL-200VP Brother PT H100 Brother PT H100LB Brother PT H100R Brother PT H101 Brother PT H101TB Brother PT H105 Brother PT H105P Brother PT H105WB Brother PT H107B Brother PT H108G Brother PT H110 Brother PT H110LB Brother PT H200 Brother PT H300 Brother PT H300LI Brother PT H500 Brother PT H500LI Brother PT H75 Brother PT H75S Brother PT P300 Brother PT P300BT Cube Brother PT P700 Brother PT P710BT Cube Brother PT P750TDI Brother PT P750W Brother PT P750WSP Brother PT P750WVP Brother PT P900 Brother PT P900W Brother PT P950NW Brother PT RL-700S Brother PT 1300 Brother PT 1700 Brother PT 170K Brother PT 2200 Brother PT 2210 Brother PT 2300 Brother PT 2310 Brother PT 2410 Brother PT 3000 Brother PT 320 Brother PT 330 Brother PT 520 Brother PT 530 Brother PT 540 Brother PT 540C Brother PT 580C Rendimiento: Ancho 6mm / 8 metros

Brother P-touch 200,Brother P-touch 1000,Brother P-touch 1000BTS,Brother P-touch 1005,Brother P-touch 1005BTS,Brother P-touch 1005F,Brother P-touch 1005FB,Brother P-touch 1010,Brother P-touch 1010B,Brother P-touch 1010L,Brother P-touch 1010NB,Brother P-touch 1010R1,Brother P-touch 1080,Brother P-touch 1080BTS,Brother P-touch 1080SBTS,Brother P-touch 1090,Brother P-touch 1090BK,Brother P-touch 1100SB,Brother P-touch 1100SBVP,Brother P-touch 1100ST,Brother P-touch 1130,Brother P-touch 1150,Brother P-touch 1150DX,Brother P-touch 1160,Brother P-touch 1170,Brother P-touch 1170S,Brother P-touch 1180,Brother P-touch 1180HK,Brother P-touch 1190,Brother P-touch 11Q,Brother P-touch 1200,Brother P-touch 1230PC,Brother P-touch 1250,Brother P-touch 1250CC,Brother P-touch 1250CCVP,Brother P-touch 1250J,Brother P-touch 1250LB,Brother P-touch 1250S,Brother P-touch 1250VP,Brother P-touch 1250VPS,Brother P-touch 1260VP,Brother P-touch 1280,Brother P-touch 1280BTS,Brother P-touch 1280CB,Brother P-touch 1280DT,Brother P-touch 1280SR,Brother P-touch 1280VP,Brother P-touch 1280VPS,Brother P-touch 1290,Brother P-touch 1290DT,Brother P-touch 1290SBVP,Brother P-touch 1290VP,Brother P-touch 1400,Brother P-touch 1500PC,Brother P-touch 1600,Brother P-touch 1650,Brother P-touch 1750,Brother P-touch 1760,Brother P-touch 1800 Plus,Brother P-touch 1800E,Brother P-touch 1800ECC,Brother P-touch 1810,Brother P-touch 1830,Brother P-touch 1830VP,Brother P-touch 1850,Brother P-touch 1850CC,Brother P-touch 1850VP,Brother P-touch 1880,Brother P-touch 1880CT,Brother P-touch 18R,Brother P-touch 18RKT,Brother P-touch 18RZ,Brother P-touch 1900,Brother P-touch 1910,Brother P-touch 1950,Brother P-touch 1950VP,Brother P-touch 1960,Brother P-touch 2030,Brother P-touch 2030AD,Brother P-touch 2030VP,Brother P-touch 210,Brother P-touch 210E,Brother P-touch 2100,Brother P-touch 2100VP,Brother P-touch 2110,Brother P-touch 220,Brother P-touch 2300,Brother P-touch 2310,Brother P-touch 2400,Brother P-touch 2400E,Brother P-touch 2400ECC,Brother P-touch 2420,Brother P-touch 2420PC,Brother P-touch 2430PC,Brother P-touch 2450,Brother P-touch 2450CC,Brother P-touch 2450DX,Brother P-touch 2460,Brother P-touch 2470,Brother P-touch 2480,Brother P-touch 2500PC,Brother P-touch 2600,Brother P-touch 2610,Brother P-touch 2700,Brother P-touch 2700VP,Brother P-touch 2710,Brother P-touch 2730,Brother P-touch 2730VP,Brother P-touch 300,Brother P-touch 310,Brother P-touch 340,Brother P-touch 350,Brother P-touch 3600,Brother P-touch 500,Brother P-touch 550A,Brother P-touch 7100,Brother P-touch 7100VP,Brother P-touch 7500VP,Brother P-touch 7600VP,Brother P-touch 900,Brother P-touch 900BTS,Brother P-touch 900F,Brother P-touch 9200DX,Brother P-touch 9200PC,Brother P-touch 9400,Brother P-touch 9500,Brother P-touch 9500PC,Brother P-touch 9600,Brother P-touch 9700PC,Brother P-touch 9800PCN,Brother P-touch D200,Brother P-touch D200BW,Brother P-touch D200BWVP,Brother P-touch D200KT,Brother P-touch D200VP,Brother P-touch D200WNVP,Brother P-touch D210,Brother P-touch D210VP,Brother P-touch D400,Brother P-touch D400AD,Brother P-touch D400VP,Brother P-touch D450,Brother P-touch D450VP,Brother P-touch D600,Brother P-touch D600VP,Brother P-touch D800W,Brother P-touch E100,Brother P-touch E100VP,Brother P-touch E110,Brother P-touch E110VP,Brother P-touch E300,Brother P-touch E300VP,Brother P-touch E500,Brother P-touch E500VP,Brother P-touch E550W,Brother P-touch E550WS,Brother P-touch E550WSP,Brother P-touch E550WVP,Brother P-touch E800W,Brother P-touch GL-100,Brother P-touch GL-200,Brother P-touch GL-200VP,Brother P-touch H100,Brother P-touch H100LB,Brother P-touch H100R,Brother P-touch H101,Brother P-touch H101TB,Brother P-touch H105,Brother P-touch H105P,Brother P-touch H105WB,Brother P-touch H107B,Brother P-touch H108G,Brother P-touch H110,Brother P-touch H110LB,Brother P-touch H200,Brother P-touch H300,Brother P-touch H300LI,Brother P-touch H500,Brother P-touch H500LI,Brother P-touch H75,Brother P-touch H75S,Brother P-touch P300,Brother P-touch P300BT Cube,Brother P-touch P700,Brother P-touch P710BT Cube,Brother P-touch P750TDI,Brother P-touch P750W,Brother P-touch P750WSP,Brother P-touch P750WVP,Brother P-touch P900,Brother P-touch P900W,Brother P-touch P950NW,Brother P-touch RL-700S,Brother P-touch 1300,Brother P-touch 1700,Brother P-touch 170K,Brother P-touch 2200,Brother P-touch 2210,Brother P-touch 2300,Brother P-touch 2310,Brother P-touch 2410,Brother P-touch 3000,Brother P-touch 320,Brother P-touch 330,Brother P-touch 520,Brother P-touch 530,Brother P-touch 540,Brother P-touch 540C,Brother P-touch 580C,Brother PT200,Brother PT1000,Brother PT1000BTS,Brother PT1005,Brother PT1005BTS,Brother PT1005F,Brother PT1005FB,Brother PT1010,Brother PT1010B,Brother PT1010L,Brother PT1010NB,Brother PT1010R1,Brother PT1080,Brother PT1080BTS,Brother PT1080SBTS,Brother PT1090,Brother PT1090BK,Brother PT1100SB,Brother PT1100SBVP,Brother PT1100ST,Brother PT1130,Brother PT1150,Brother PT1150DX,Brother PT1160,Brother PT1170,Brother PT1170S,Brother PT1180,Brother PT1180HK,Brother PT1190,Brother PT11Q,Brother PT1200,Brother PT1230PC,Brother PT1250,Brother PT1250CC,Brother PT1250CCVP,Brother PT1250J,Brother PT1250LB,Brother PT1250S,Brother PT1250VP,Brother PT1250VPS,Brother PT1260VP,Brother PT1280,Brother PT1280BTS,Brother PT1280CB,Brother PT1280DT,Brother PT1280SR,Brother PT1280VP,Brother PT1280VPS,Brother PT1290,Brother PT1290DT,Brother PT1290SBVP,Brother PT1290VP,Brother PT1400,Brother PT1500PC,Brother PT1600,Brother PT1650,Brother PT1750,Brother PT1760,Brother PT1800 Plus,Brother PT1800E,Brother PT1800ECC,Brother PT1810,Brother PT1830,Brother PT1830SC,Brother PT1830VP,Brother PT1850,Brother PT1850CC,Brother PT1850VP,Brother PT1880,Brother PT1880CT,Brother PT18R,Brother PT18RKT,Brother PT18RZ,Brother PT1900,Brother PT1910,Brother PT1950,Brother PT1950VP,Brother PT1960,Brother PT2030,Brother PT2030AD,Brother PT2030VP,Brother PT210,Brother PT210E,Brother PT2100,Brother PT2100VP,Brother PT2110,Brother PT220,Brother PT2300,Brother PT2310,Brother PT2400,Brother PT2400E,Brother PT2400ECC,Brother PT2420,Brother PT2420PC,Brother PT2430PC,Brother PT2450,Brother PT2450CC,Brother PT2450DX,Brother PT2460,Brother PT2470,Brother PT2480,Brother PT2500PC,Brother PT2600,Brother PT2610,Brother PT2700,Brother PT2700VP,Brother PT2710,Brother PT2730,Brother PT2730VP,Brother PT300,Brother PT310,Brother PT340,Brother PT350,Brother PT3600,Brother PT500,Brother PT550A,Brother PT7100,Brother PT7100VP,Brother PT7500VP,Brother PT7600VP,Brother PT900,Brother PT900BTS,Brother PT900F,Brother PT9200DX,Brother PT9200PC,Brother PT9400,Brother PT9500,Brother PT9500PC,Brother PT9600,Brother PT9700PC,Brother PT9800PCN,Brother PTD200,Brother PTD200BW,Brother PTD200BWVP,Brother PTD200KT,Brother PTD200VP,Brother PTD200WNVP,Brother PTD210,Brother PTD210VP,Brother PTD400,Brother PTD400AD,Brother PTD400VP,Brother PTD450,Brother PTD450VP,Brother PTD600,Brother PTD600VP,Brother PTD800W,Brother PTE100,Brother PTE100VP,Brother PTE110,Brother PTE110VP,Brother PTE300,Brother PTE300VP,Brother PTE500,Brother PTE500VP,Brother PTE550W,Brother PTE550WS,Brother PTE550WSP,Brother PTE550WVP,Brother PTE800W,Brother PTGL-100,Brother PTGL-200,Brother PTGL-200VP,Brother PTH100,Brother PTH100LB,Brother PTH100R,Brother PTH101,Brother PTH101TB,Brother PTH105,Brother PTH105P,Brother PTH105WB,Brother PTH107B,Brother PTH108G,Brother PTH110,Brother PTH110LB,Brother PTH200,Brother PTH300,Brother PTH300LI,Brother PTH500,Brother PTH500LI,Brother PTH75,Brother PTH75S,Brother PTP300,Brother PTP300BT Cube,Brother PTP700,Brother PTP710BT Cube,Brother PTP750TDI,Brother PTP750W,Brother PTP750WSP,Brother PTP750WVP,Brother PTP900,Brother PTP900W,Brother PTP950NW,Brother PTRL-700S,Brother PT1300,Brother PT1700,Brother PT170K,Brother PT2200,Brother PT2210,Brother PT2300,Brother PT2310,Brother PT2410,Brother PT3000,Brother PT320,Brother PT330,Brother PT520,Brother PT530,Brother PT540,Brother PT540C,Brother PT580C
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Ancho 6mm / 8 metros
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Ancho 6mm / 8 metros
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Ancho 6mm / 8 metros
24 mois
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